Monday, March 4, 2013

Dr. Atomic #4 - The Pipe and Dope Book

Ahhh, 1976!  The 200th birthday of the United States.  And what, praytell, was the greatest piece of Americana to come out of that year?  Photos of the Freedom Train?  Bicentennial quarters?  Nooooooo!  Of course it's the fourth issue of Larry Todd's underground comic book "Dr. Atomic," more commonly known as The Pipe and Dope Book.
Still today, this comic is considered to be the be all end all in marijuana instruction manuals.  I found this nice addition to my underground collection listed incorrectly on ebay, and I won it for a song!  First printing!  (or maybe second, first and second printings were identical in every way).
Imagine holding this book in your hot little hands, reading such clasic yarns as "Where to Put Yer Pot!" and "The Anatomy of a Lid"  Let Dr. Atomic instruct you in "The Wonderful World of Pipeology."  There's even instructions for you HIGHlanders on how to build your own pot bagpipe.

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