Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Dr. Atomic #4 - The Pipe and Dope Book

Ahhh, 1976!  The 200th birthday of the United States.  And what, praytell, was the greatest piece of Americana to come out of that year?  Photos of the Freedom Train?  Bicentennial quarters?  Nooooooo!  Of course it's the fourth issue of Larry Todd's underground comic book "Dr. Atomic," more commonly known as The Pipe and Dope Book.
Still today, this comic is considered to be the be all end all in marijuana instruction manuals.  I found this nice addition to my underground collection listed incorrectly on ebay, and I won it for a song!  First printing!  (or maybe second, first and second printings were identical in every way).
Imagine holding this book in your hot little hands, reading such clasic yarns as "Where to Put Yer Pot!" and "The Anatomy of a Lid"  Let Dr. Atomic instruct you in "The Wonderful World of Pipeology."  There's even instructions for you HIGHlanders on how to build your own pot bagpipe.

Bathalian D'Khul - Reaper Dark Heaven Bones Miniature #77020

Bathalian D'Khul - Reaper Dark Heaven Bones Miniature #77020 Sculpted by Sandra Garrity

Here's the thing about painting metal miniatures:  You have to prime them before you can paint them, because by its very nature acrylic paint doesn't adhere well to metal.  I use a spray automotive primer I picked up at Home Depot.  Works great!

But here's the thing about the Bones line of miniatures:  You don't have to prime them! They're made out of polymer, so you just start painting.

Unless, like me, about two thirds of the way done you realize you've chosen badly in terms of color scheme.  I took the horrible looking mess I'd made and sprayed over it with primer.  Then I started over with better results.  The base is made of oak, crushed rock, sand, and sea shells.


Lesser Air Elemental - Reaper Miniature #02538

Lesser Air Elemental - Reaper Miniature #02538 Sculpted by Jason Wiebe


Swamp Shambler Reaper Miniature #03243

 Swamp Shambler Reaper Miniature #03243 Sculpted by Michael Brower

So I got another miniature.  OK, I'm hooked!  Couldn't wait to paint the all the vines and tubers on this creature.


Rotpatch, Pumpkin Golem - Reaper Miniature 03377

Rotpatch, Pumpkin Golem - Reaper Miniature 03377- Sculpted by: Jason Weibe
Was browsing at the Source in St. Paul, when this miniature caught my eye.  Decided to take it home and try my hand at painting it.  Really enjoyed the intricate detail work.  Will definitely be doing more of these.

Below is a stock photo of metal figure pre-painting.  The base in the photo above is my creation.